You cannot put me in a box

First generation Dominican Afro-Latina. Bronx Native. Rugby player. Former teacher. Product of NYCHA.

Yes to all of these. Duality. From Daddy Yankee to Vybz Kartel playing in my headphones while squatting, I’m just a regular degular girl who wants to help others feel better, whether it's through coaching or sharing a recipe.



As someone who transitioned out of a traditional school setting, but is still in education, it is important to highlight that educating and advocating is what I do IRL and online.

Education was of high value in my household and in return is something I took seriously and actually enjoy. We all know the term life long learner, but how many of us truly live life through that lens? Whether I’m researching data for a project, reading about new training techniques, or taking a workshop to learn more about herbal healing through food, education is at the root of it all. 

How a Caribbean Based Diet

Changed My Fitness Lifestyle

As someone who has dealt with stomach issues her entire life, including IBS which does not have a cure, it was always hard to mimic the way most fitness influencers eat. I can’t stomach traditional protein shakes, pre-workout and definitely do not enjoy eating boring foods. 

After trial and error, journaling how foods make me feel, and countless hours of feeling sick, nauseous and eventually becoming afraid of eating certain foods, I had an epiphany. Growing up in a Dominican household, the food my mom made never made me sick.

We ate lots of root vegetables, stews, and rice.

I decided it was time to get back in touch with my Caribbean roots but in a more *health conscious* way that took my fitness goals into account and that’s how we got here. Replacing pancakes and waffles for plantains and yuca. Replacing half a plate of rice with a quarter plate of veggies but still eating the rice I love.

eating rice with dry chicken breast is not the life I want to live.

Came from the newfound energy derived from a Caribbean-based diet and how much fuller I felt. 

Caribbean cuisine naturally excels in the art of balancing macronutrients and a lot of dishes are naturally gluten and dairy free.  Beyond the physical benefits, the Caribbean-based diet deepened my connection to all Caribbean culture and it encouraged me to want to embrace and learn more about our rich Taino history - whether you’re Dominican, Haitian or Puerto Rican or Jamaican (amongst many other present day islands) you have indigenous Taino Arawak blood in you.

Our people were kind, gentle, and even honored Yuca/Cassava as a divine entity. When eating yuca I feel directly connected to my indigenous roots, all while still getting my protein in with some eggs to stay on track with my active lifestyle.

One of the remarkable shifts in my fitness routine

learn how to cook

Over 30+ recipes crafted with bold island flavors, hearty stews, fresh seafood, and just the right amount of spice. Learn how to fuel your body without compensating on flavor or throwing off your fitness goals! 


gluten free






I feel in a healthier place both physically and mentally. I know my life will now include working out, no matter what. 

I highlighly recommend this community. Yuly has transformed how I look at movement and my relationship with my body

For years, I was hoping for at least one female gym buddy for accountability, motivation, and comfort and now I have so many. I’m grateful for a safe space to be overcome my fitness fears & share my experiences with like-minded women 

Never in my dreams did I think I would be part of a community of women who believe in the power & joy fitness can bring

Being able to be in an environment with busy adults all trying to make themselves better is powerful. Even when you feel like you’re slacking, everyone is ready to lift you up

Yuly you changed a lot for me. The environment you’ve created is so powerful and something I really need in my life

Yuly proves videos, feedback and a community of support where other women are offering their experiences at the same time and it makes you feel like you’re part of something. I love it

If you’re looking for “at your pace” training and you’re already motivated, go for it. I used to think virtual training was trash

It’s like “what am I able to accomplish this week?” Training with Coach Yuly has been a challenge some days but it’s what been fun for me and my before and after shows that. She always pushes me to be better at something I didn’t think I could do

I had to push through and eventually I started to feel stronger and training became something I started to actually look forward to

While also strengthening our bodies as a whole. It is super easy to follow, which is key, especially for people who don’t have the time or knowledge to do so for ourselves

A well rounded program designed to push us into our goals (e.g. training for a race, growing your glutes etc.)

learn HOW to be

healthy, strong and never hungry



Being able to be in an environment with busy adults all trying to make themselves better is powerful. Even when you feel like you’re slacking, everyone is ready to lift you up.

Yuly you changed a lot for me. The environment you’ve created is so powerful and something I really need in my life.

For years, I was hoping for at least one female gym buddy for accountability, motivation, and comfort and now I have so many. I’m grateful for a safe space to be overcome my fitness fears & share my experiences with like-minded women 

Never in my dreams did I think I would be part of a community of women who believe in the power & joy fitness can bring

 I used to think virtual training was trash but honestly, Yuly proves videos, feedback and a community of support where other women are offering their experiences at the same time and it makes you feel like you’re part of something. I love it

If you’re looking for “at your pace” training and you’re already motivated, go for it

She encourages you to take a break when needed but also to just suck it up and do it when you need it, all for an extremely affordable price

Yuly is there to keep you accountable and personalize programs for you, but she also understands that things come up in life

I feel in a healthier place both physically and mentally. I know my life will now include working out, no matter what. 

I highlighly recommend this community. Yuly has transformed how I look at movement and my relationship with my body


WANT a little taste of the cookbook?