You want to live your life and also be healthy

It’s a balancing act that requires zero motivation and just a mindset shift. You owe it to yourself to develop discipline through specific programming so that you can show your body love in a sustainable way. It is way easier to fall into a consistent routine of exercise when you have a personalized plan to follow with daily accountability and a community of women to help you stay honest and motivate you.



Video demonstrations for each exercise

Gym, home or hybrid training options

24/7 access to your coach 

Access to The Elevated Woman Community


Personalized weekly programming for 12 weeks

The Uplift Program is designed for the busy woman on the go who is open to the idea of training, but needs a little guidance. No more anxiety in the gym or doing random workouts you saved off Instagram months ago. You deserve training that's specific to YOU!


Weekly breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes + snacks! (Caribbean or non Caribbean recipe options available*) 

Video demonstrations for each exercise

24/7 access to your coach 

Access to The Elevated Woman Community


Personalized weekly programming for 12 weeks

The Boost Program is tailored for women who KNOW the gym is important but are looking for easy to follow weekly recipes in order to elevate their fitness journey. You're booked and busy, why not save time and learn how to meal prep fun and nutritious meals all while getting strong in the gym? 



I feel in a healthier place both physically and mentally. I know my life will now include working out, no matter what. 

I highlighly recommend this community. Yuly has transformed how I look at movement and my relationship with my body

For years, I was hoping for at least one female gym buddy for accountability, motivation, and comfort and now I have so many. I’m grateful for a safe space to be overcome my fitness fears & share my experiences with like-minded women 

Never in my dreams did I think I would be part of a community of women who believe in the power & joy fitness can bring

Being able to be in an environment with busy adults all trying to make themselves better is powerful. Even when you feel like you’re slacking, everyone is ready to lift you up

Yuly you changed a lot for me. The environment you’ve created is so powerful and something I really need in my life

Yuly proves videos, feedback and a community of support where other women are offering their experiences at the same time and it makes you feel like you’re part of something. I love it

If you’re looking for “at your pace” training and you’re already motivated, go for it. I used to think virtual training was trash

It’s like “what am I able to accomplish this week?” Training with Coach Yuly has been a challenge some days but it’s what been fun for me and my before and after shows that. She always pushes me to be better at something I didn’t think I could do

I had to push through and eventually I started to feel stronger and training became something I started to actually look forward to

While also strengthening our bodies as a whole. It is super easy to follow, which is key, especially for people who don’t have the time or knowledge to do so for ourselves

A well rounded program designed to push us into our goals (e.g. training for a race, growing your glutes etc.)



Being able to be in an environment with busy adults all trying to make themselves better is powerful. Even when you feel like you’re slacking, everyone is ready to lift you up.

Yuly you changed a lot for me. The environment you’ve created is so powerful and something I really need in my life.

For years, I was hoping for at least one female gym buddy for accountability, motivation, and comfort and now I have so many. I’m grateful for a safe space to be overcome my fitness fears & share my experiences with like-minded women 

Never in my dreams did I think I would be part of a community of women who believe in the power & joy fitness can bring

 I used to think virtual training was trash but honestly, Yuly proves videos, feedback and a community of support where other women are offering their experiences at the same time and it makes you feel like you’re part of something. I love it

If you’re looking for “at your pace” training and you’re already motivated, go for it

She encourages you to take a break when needed but also to just suck it up and do it when you need it, all for an extremely affordable price

Yuly is there to keep you accountable and personalize programs for you, but she also understands that things come up in life

I feel in a healthier place both physically and mentally. I know my life will now include working out, no matter what. 

I highlighly recommend this community. Yuly has transformed how I look at movement and my relationship with my body

learn HOW to be

healthy, strong and never hungry

As a NASM certified personal trainer and a certified physical and health education teacher, I have a different approach to fitness for women that goes against the status quo, especially in the Afro Latina/Caribbean space. Instead of focusing on losing weight, eating very few calories, and obsessing over the scale, I see fitness as a tool for women to build confidence. You might ask, how is that confidence built? Through weight and athletic training, not spending hours on an elliptical to burn as many calories as possible. I focus on the weight of the barbell (or dumbbell or kettlebell 😉) and honor Whole Foods.

Hi there! 


A confidence FIRST

approach to fitness



WANT a little taste of the cookbook?